Zu den Wirkstoffen, die die Wirkung von Phenprocoumon abschwächen können (→ Thromboserisiko ↑), zählen u.a. Barbiturate und Carbamazepin (Induktion der abbauenden Enzyme).
Substances, which can mitigate the effect of Phenprocoumon (↑ → risk of thrombosis), include such as barbiturates and carbamazepine (induction of degrading enzymes).
Among the drugs that may reduce the effect of warfarin (→ risk of thrombosis ↑), would include barbiturates and carbamazepine (induction of degrading enzymes).
the active ingredients, which can reduce the effect of phenprocoumon and thrombosis risk ") include barbiturates, and carbamazepine (induction of depleting enzymes).