sie wollen mit ihren Freunden eine Sommerparty im garten feiern Schreiben Sie die Einladung Hier finden Sie vier Punkte Waehlen Sie minderstens drei aus schreiben Sie zu jedem Punkt ein bis zwei Saetze mitbringen: warme Kleidung
they want a summer party with her friends in the garden celebratingWrite the invitationHere you will find four pointsMinderstens select threewrite one or two sentences for each pointbring: warm clothing
they want with their friends a summer party in the garden celebrating Be the invitation The following four points You Choose at least first three of you write to each point one or two sentences bring: warm clothes
you want with your friends a summer party in the garden partywrite the invitationhere you will find four pointschoose three from minderstenswrite one or two sentences for each itembring warm clothes